Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ultimate Purpose

As I think about the beginning of this Christmas season, I remember my prayer being that I wanted my eyes FIXED on Christ (as I should pray that each day), but especially during this season. It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of crowds, gift buying, baking goodies, school being out, time with family, etc. But is that all the reason for the season, as cliche as it sounds? 

I was recently reminded of how significant the Savior's birth is...
In Isaiah 9:6-7, you see that Jesus was brought to the earth so that we might be reconciled to God the Father. We are reconciled through his mercy, because he humbled himself as a substitute. He didn't have to give me what I deserved, which was death/eternal separation from God/God's wrath. Once we are reconciled he brings us great stability- the government of Jesus is not in a downward spiral, like the government of the US. The government of the universe rests on his shoulders! Can he not then be Lord and handle every area of my life? His stability provides clarity, because he is the Wonderful Counselor. He gives advice from a heavenly perspective, He sees my days ahead and has them numbered. He is the Mighty God, therefore, if we start listening clearly then we start responding to His authority. Under His authority, we have great security- he is the Everlasting Father. He has a tender way of dealing with His children, He will walk with me through the valley. He never worries or is anxious. He always provides and is safe for His children. He chose me, purchased me, adopted me, and loved me. I never have to worry about him leaving or giving up on me despite my failures. He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the Chief Prince of Peace. 

Many people also question the birth of Jesus. 
Virgin Mary? Really? Fully man?  Fully God? What?!

The virgin birth is a miracle!
 We must affirm it, due to the veracity of Scripture. Salvation can't ever come from human effort, neither did the virgin birth. The virgin birth made the unity of full humanity and full deity possible. If Jesus was born "normally" then there wouldn't be anything different about him. He was human, yet without sin. This all goes back to the concept of "original sin" from our bloodline of Adam. Jesus didn't have a human father, so he didn't inherit a sin nature. 
In Luke 1:35 scripture says  that he will be called holy- well the only way he could be called holy is if he was perfect and didn't have a sin nature. 

Christ was fully human.
He ate, drank, bled, had feelings, etc.
 Before the fall, humans we were created without a sin nature. Christ is what we were intended to be like before sin entered the world. 
He had to be fully man , so that he could be credible to us. He came through incarnation of a human, because he had to go through the same growth as us. He had to be fully man to be our mediator, to return worship to God. He was fully man to be our example. That which he didn't take on he couldn't save- mind, heart, flesh,etc. 

He was fully God. 
John 1:1 - "In the beginning..." confirms eternal existence. 
"the Word was WITH God"- no created being can be face to face with God. 
Whatever God is, so to, is the Word.
John 1:14- " ...dwelt among us..."
dwelt: pitched his tent
He came and lived among us in our junk! 

Too many people, throw around the famous verse John 3:16.
There is one word in that verse that stands out and confirms the deity of Christ. 
The word "begotten"- you can only begot that of which you are.
 Kind of a weird statement, but stay with me. 
Christ is the only begotten Son of God. 
Essence is what makes something, well, SOMETHING. 
Christ is the essence of God- meaning that they were the same thing. 
Why is His deity necessary?
Good question. Well, He has to be fully God to bear the penalty of our sins. No created being could save creation.

You see, there is so much to the meaning of Christmas. Much more than just a babe lying in a manger. Much more than honking horns in traffic trying to get the closest parking spot at the mall, much more than gift wrap, pretty bows, ornaments on a tree, time with family, Christmas songs, etc. Although some of those things are good,  I wanted my focus this Christmas not to be on those things. But rather the Creator and to fall down and Worship The One who reached down and picked me to be His. The Son of God who humbled himself and gave His perfect life for my filthy, gross, disgusting sinful one. There was nothing good in me, that made Him choose me. There is nothing I did or can do to earn His love or favor. He gave me the free gift of salvation. Through repentance (turn in the opposite direction from my sin) and Belief ( through faith) in Jesus Christ, I became of  Daughter of the King. Secure forever. Only wishing to boast in Him. My one desire is to be more like Him. To live with a purpose such as His- to die to myself so that others may LIVE.