Hello from Africa,
As I sit here writing this I feel humbled and just... aware, I guess is the word to use. This week as I’ve been studying Acts it has become very evident that the early church spent tons of time together in prayer, studying the Word, fellowship, and worship; most of which was done in homes around the town. Honestly, I feel like that has been the theme of this past week here in South Africa. Bare with me as I try to unfold my experiences…
This was our first full week on campus and doing ministry and overall it went well! My ministry partner Sarah and I challenged ourselves to meet girls on the 3rd and 4th floors of Panorama (a girls’ dorm). These are 2 floors where Nammy (CO Staff girl) has been unable to get touches with any girls all year. Thankfully, we were able to meet first year students on those floors which was a win and some of those girls even attended our Bible Study that we held on Thursday night. We studied John 8 about the Adulterous woman and shared the bridge diagram with about 10 girls. After the Study, a girl named Tato, who has been on my heart, pulled me away and told me how she was really needed time to process what she had just heard and wanted to talk with me and Sarah soon about how to study Scripture and apply what she had just heard!!! Finally, someone who is SPIRITUALLY INTERESTED! We had a long chat last Sunday during our ministry training about the difference between “exposed and “spiritually interested” individuals. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to go in depth about each of those but know that Tato is an answered prayer already!
I was really surprised coming to South Africa and finding about that about 75% of this country proclaims to be Christian. However, most of that percentage has yet to enter into a personal relationship with Christ . This information takes me back to the statistics in the States; most of America would say that they know Christ and are Christians. Who knows, they might be, but if we think about this statement maybe it will change your mind about those who proclaim to be Christians around you… “If you truly believe what you say you believe, then your life will reflect it”. There is a price to following Christ and many people aren’t willing to forsake all of the things of this world to follow Christ. In Christ there is FULL satisfaction- the things of this world will NOT satisfy no matter how appealing they are.
An another note, when we come back from campus each night we have “Family Time” During family time we share how our time was on campus and go over logistics for the next day. This past Thursday after sharing how all of our Bible Studies went Doug said he had something to share with our team that wasn’t so good news…
By the time you are reading this, you might have seen news coverage about a guy named Matt Hill. Matt is from Charlotte, NC and is on staff with Campus Outreach in Washington, DC. On Tuesday morning he went missing after dropping a student off in Chinatown. There is no word yet about where he is or what has happened. I URGE you to be in prayer for him, his family, the search party, legal aspects, friends, and staff team! I am trusting and believing that the Lord is sovereign and as Romans 8:28 states “ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” If you have any connections in the DC area please contact me so I can get that information to the staff in DC so that we can #findmatthill.
Also this week, several of the girls had extreme nightmares, Noa (Doug & Kait’s daughter) got the flu, and our vehicle was stolen from in front our house during the middle of the day within a 45 minute time span. We got word that the tracker unit was found (device inside of our car) but that our car was not found. So, as of right now we are carless and are relying on the COJ staff team for transport.
I mentioned earlier in my post that I feel “aware”. I am aware of the Sovereignty of God. I am aware of how I am not in control of my life. I am aware that I can’t convert someone to Christ, but that I must be faithful to share and give my life away. I am aware that as a believer I am under attack and spiritual warfare is present. In all of this, I am believing that Christ has overcome the world.
Personally, I am kind of in a rut. I’m not sure what it is. I think I am needing some alone time- ha! But seriously…
Tomorrow is our Sabbath, so be praying that I will truly be able to rest in the Lord and that He would continue to reveal more of His promises to me.
The Lord has really began to build unity within our team this past week too through studying Acts, worship, ministry, living together, and prayer. We have spent a lot of time in prayer over the things have just mentioned and I would love to invite you into that as well.
Prayer Requests:
1) Matt Hill
2) Tato- figuring out where she is spiritually
3) Recruitment to the JWC
4) My personal time with the Lord
5) Ministry in general
6) CCP team unity
7) SBP- the students arrived in Myrtle Beach this past week. Be praying for them this summer!